See the Light Together
When it comes to creating, a group of people can be effective to achieve results. A melding of minds dedicated to find a solution or to process a problem seems to work for us humans. The crowd is efficient, resourceful, and ingenious. The mob is ruthless, cunning, and effective.
We label our groups with so many names: a task force to solve a specific problem; a committee to look at a bigger picture; a study group to answer a difficult question; a design team to look at the past; and a working group to hash out a future. Whatever the name, a collection of humans are busy at a given task striving to reach a common goal.
As we all know, it is naive to think that a roundtable of stake holders will reach consensus, or that a council will all vote the same way. The internal conflicts within a gathering can slow the process down and even hinder it from becoming effective. We excel at throwing wrenches into the cogs. Sometimes our interests or convictions clash with those around us, but usually some compromise is found since, after all, you are part of a crew dealing with the same objective.
To realize the potential of the cluster, is to understand each individual who makes up the pieces. If we look closely, we can see the backgrounds, strengths, weaknesses, and abilities of the members. Even the reasons why they chose or are participating in the party is clear information to assess the effectiveness of the group. Each member can contribute something to make the assembly move forward into a desired direction. Realizing each potential can be difficult, but it is necessary if any goal is to be reached.
If you pause to think of the last time you were in a company of people who understood what you were contributing, you could probably say that it was exciting to work with these people. The team flowed together and the list of accomplishments grew. Think back now to an experience where the clique did not work out. Finding the faults is easy, personalities clashing, miscommunication rampant, leadership non-existent and failing results. What is difficult is to take this degenerate faction and try to solve the organizational issues before any work is ready to be tackled. Disbanding can be an option, but the problem or issue at hand still needs a solution. Therefore, complete understanding of the members is needed to find work arounds.
As I start off a new round of projects and assignments, these concerns will be front and centre. A body of enthusiastic students, together thinking and designing sustainability can only lead to good results, yet strife is never too far way.
We label our groups with so many names: a task force to solve a specific problem; a committee to look at a bigger picture; a study group to answer a difficult question; a design team to look at the past; and a working group to hash out a future. Whatever the name, a collection of humans are busy at a given task striving to reach a common goal.
As we all know, it is naive to think that a roundtable of stake holders will reach consensus, or that a council will all vote the same way. The internal conflicts within a gathering can slow the process down and even hinder it from becoming effective. We excel at throwing wrenches into the cogs. Sometimes our interests or convictions clash with those around us, but usually some compromise is found since, after all, you are part of a crew dealing with the same objective.
To realize the potential of the cluster, is to understand each individual who makes up the pieces. If we look closely, we can see the backgrounds, strengths, weaknesses, and abilities of the members. Even the reasons why they chose or are participating in the party is clear information to assess the effectiveness of the group. Each member can contribute something to make the assembly move forward into a desired direction. Realizing each potential can be difficult, but it is necessary if any goal is to be reached.
If you pause to think of the last time you were in a company of people who understood what you were contributing, you could probably say that it was exciting to work with these people. The team flowed together and the list of accomplishments grew. Think back now to an experience where the clique did not work out. Finding the faults is easy, personalities clashing, miscommunication rampant, leadership non-existent and failing results. What is difficult is to take this degenerate faction and try to solve the organizational issues before any work is ready to be tackled. Disbanding can be an option, but the problem or issue at hand still needs a solution. Therefore, complete understanding of the members is needed to find work arounds.
As I start off a new round of projects and assignments, these concerns will be front and centre. A body of enthusiastic students, together thinking and designing sustainability can only lead to good results, yet strife is never too far way.
hey nice perspective. in group management.
What would be very beneficial for the group before tackling the problem is to get to know each other, their background and strength and weaknesses. Some one is very good at note taking other is good a typing and other on organizing the team and keeping things moving in the right direction. So prepare a whole bunch of question so in the first meeting you can get know each other. It is very productive to achieve the goal, It is like a step back , but is like a sling shot that you have to stretch back so it can release all it energy in achieving the goal, target in this case.
Thanks for you comment. I agree that knowing about your team is important. The skills that people bring to a table are very important and must be capitalized.
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